Monday, January 16, 2012

Hello World!

I never thought I would get a blog but there was also a time I thought I would never get a twitter (@kennedygrace19-Followme! ;)), and yet the day has come that I am posting my first entry? Is entry the word you use? I feel like a grandma when it comes to blogging. Thankfully, my writing 150 class has forced me to try it out and I won't be surprised if down the road I create one just for fun.
Despite the sometimes painful time it takes to edit or mold a paper to its perfection, I actually enjoy writing. A creative outlet that seems somewhat forced or made into a chore nowadays, actually has some perks. Other than the fact that it pieces things together and puts someone else's perspective into your own thoughts, my favorite part about writing is that it helps us remember. I would say that, although we do learn new things, when we read text of some sort, it reminds us of what we already know. A journal reminds us of the glorious and sometimes not so glorious journey of our past. The scriptures remind us of principles we need to implement into our lives. The newspaper reminds us that there are other people in this world besides ourselves. Writing, when used correctly, has a way of calling us to action. It can be beautiful or ugly, but either way the voice is personified in a way which stirs the human soul to feel different than they did before. Once a piece has been read, it forever changes the world. Our class is about to create history! ;)

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