Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Peer Review and Corrections

Five Corrections:
(Just as a side note...it may be a sweeping generalization to assume we even made five mistakes on our paper to start with but unfortunately, I am one of those who made five mistakes. ha)
Wrong: Depending on the book’s price, it has a high potential to pay itself off in the self same year it is purchased.
-I reread this and though "self same" may have a hyphen between the words but selfsame is actually one word. 
Correct: Depending on the book’s price, it has a high potential to pay itself off in the selfsame year it is purchased.
Wrong: I contemplated these high costs and other factors as well; such as many textbooks are thrown away when declined the opportunity to be sold back.
-The semicolon is improperly placed in the sentence.
Correct: I contemplated these high costs and other factors such as many textbooks are thrown away when declined the opportunity to be sold back.
Wrong: It may be a slow to start process because of the money invested but soon it will actually be creating more profit than previously.
-There is no comma before the conjunction "but".
Correct: It may be a slow to start process because of the money invested, but soon it will actually be creating more profit than previously.
Wrong: This is not something that we want to force on the students of BYU but rather it is an option.
 -Once again there is no comma before the conjunction "but".
Correct: This is not something that we want to force on the students of BYU, but rather it is an option.
Wrong: Also if we recycle, it almost makes it okay to keep buying the books, when it reality those resources are still being consumed at a high rate.
-I made a spelling error, I wrote "it reality" instead of "in reality" 
Correct: Also if we recycle, it almost makes it okay to keep buying the books, when in reality those resources are still being consumed at a high rate.

Opinion of Peer Review:
I actually really enjoyed the peer review. I think it is fun to tell people what you really think of their work with little consequences and a bit of tact of course. I was a little blunt on some but I felt like the comments were intended to improve their writing skills so ultimately it was beneficial. I have to say five comments may have been a bit excessive for each page. With that being said, it was helpful for those papers that may have needed five comments per page so it wasn't too marked up in comparison to others. I think if instead of doing 5 per page, maybe doing 12-18 total. It was a little frustrating that we couldn't correct some of the grammar just to help because I feel that is important in improving a paper. I have yet to write a half page comment per paper but I feel that too could be summed up in the 5 comments per page. I am grateful to hear what others have to say about my paper though so although time consuming, I feel that it is probably quite helpful. I have to be honest, I felt kind of like a teacher grading papers and I liked it haha. But I imagine it is much less enjoyable when there are like 200 papers to grade. Overall, I enjoyed the peer review and I hope the ideas I suggested are taken into consideration. 


  1. Yeah you never think that you make a lot of mistakes, but then you look over your paper and see mistakes everywhere. I liked peer reviews too, because it's fun to see what people wrote about and how you can help them. That made it really cool.

  2. Yeah, I agree. Sometimes the five comments per page got a little excessive and I felt myself running out of things to say. But I know that this peer review really helped me!

  3. ha I felt the same way about the assumption that we even had 5 mistakes on our papers. I like to think that I don't make any grammar or punctuation errors. Also, don't forget to always put a comma before a conjuction on your next paper!

  4. Peer reviewing may be enjoyable, but sometimes it's quite scary. Or at least it made me a bit nervous. I mean, what if someone just hated on my paper, and I went home dejected because I thought I had written the best paper in the universe? Of course this didn't happen, but I'm just saying.
