Thursday, March 1, 2012


       I chose to do my topic on "Relationships affected by Internet". So in essence, I want to write about how social media can effect relationships. This isn't limited to the relationship of a boy and a girl, but all relationships: the relationship with children and their parents, the relationship of friends, and the relationship between a new married couple. The internet will always bring implications to a relationship if it is present or driving force in their lives. My initial stance is that social media negatively effects the relationship between newly weds. It also negatively affects parents and their children unless they are living far away. I still haven't produced my stance on friends, I think it may have duel implications. My research question will be more narrowly focused in order to find out more information. I am asking: How does Facebook effect these three types of relationships, and is its effect positive or negative? Should people refrain from using it to strengthen relationships? What barriers or break-throughs come from it?
      I have found some while researching that Facebook has been proven to do. It has been proven to make people jealous. This is an important thing when addressing newly weds and friends. It has actually been proven to predict break-ups as well. Some people are more bold on Facebook, this makes it easier to say how they are feeling. When you can be this open, it offers a way for people to be more kind. They are able to compliment more freely but it also offers a way to destroy someone's self-worth. This brings a different element of a relationship with the openness. I care about this topic because I feel like it is a current issue in our generation. Facebook has a real effect on how we interact and I want to know more about it and figure out if there is a way to solve the problems and highlight the strengths. I hope I can find 9 pages to write about because I really like studying relationships!


  1. Nice Topic! I sure you will be able to find a bunch of sources to support your argument!

  2. Kennedy, I like your ideas a lot! This topic makes me want to read your paper once it's finished.

  3. You'll definitely be able to find research about the topic, but as is your topic is pretty broad. "Social media and relationships" is such a huge range that you'll have problems focusing it into an 8-10 page paper. You will have to focus on one aspect of social media (you mention Facebook, so you might want to limit your paper to just that) and one type of relationship. I know you said you didn't want to just talk about romantic relationships, but you kind of have to choose one or the other. You could say "family" relationships if you wanted to talk only about parent/child/sibling relationships, but either way you'll need to do some focusing. Let me know what you come up with!
